Here at Croghan’s Jewel Box our biggest priority is making lasting, happy memories for our customers. In that same vein, we find that the perfect marriage of any beautiful, lasting memory is an equally beautiful, lasting piece of jewelry. Many people inquire and ask us, “Why don’t you carry lab-grown diamonds? Why are you only carrying natural diamonds?” Well, we’ve laid out our answers below.
It is known that diamonds are rare and only becoming more so, a truth which will always put natural diamonds at high value. This is not the same for lab grown diamonds, which may be created on demand and therefore decrease in value over time.
Real, natural diamonds are made from thousands of years of pressure and heat within the earth's crust, while lab-grown diamonds are mass produced in a matter of weeks. When you come into our store and purchase a real diamond, it is uniquely yours, a one-of-a kind jewel that will last a lifetime. This is in contrast to when you purchase a lab-grown diamond at a much lower cost and, in turn, a much lower value.
At Croghan’s Jewel Box we subscribe to honesty and respect. It is in these values that we choose to work with real diamonds and continually cater to your needs as a customer, always valuing your time and money spent with us. We work to make your dreams come true and in that regard it is in our values to give you the best quality. We thank you for taking the time to hear our side of things and if you have any further inquiries here is a great resource that better explains the question of whether to invest in lab grown or natural diamonds.