The Croghan's Jewels are very excited about hosting Ari and Corina from Single Stone for a Trunk Show Friday, March 9th, and Saturday, March 10th
We love this company for a lot of reasons! They use antique diamonds in their engagements rings and each mounting is made specifically for each Single Stone...hence the name of their very well-respected company.

While they are best known for their collection of engagement rings and stack-able bands, they will also be showing a beautiful selection of antique jewelry as well as a new line of wedding bands for men.
Call 843-723-3594 to make an appointment with the designers
Enjoy the Q and A with Ari and Corina, and be sure to scroll through and enjoy the photos of some of the jewelry that makes this line so special and unique.

How did you meet?
A - I was lost and asked for directions from Corina. She gave me the directions. Needless to say I am no longer lost.
C - We had a mutual acquaintance that introduced us. After that, we kept running into one another in the strangest of places which, included him asking me for directions. Needless to say, he never remembered having met me. He remembers me now.
What is the secret to working together so very closely?
A - Respect, trust and patience and knowing when to agree to disagree.
C - While we have very different ideas, we ultimately have the same end goal and are a great compliment to one another in our pursuit to get there. Ultimately, respect and great communication are essential. As is being able to draw a line between work and family time. Plus, the ten miles between our two offices are definitely a plus!

Top 3 favorite things about Charleston?
A - The charm of the beautiful city, its warm people and most importantly our friends at Croghan's.
C – I love the beautiful architecture, the amazing food and the warm welcome that the clients at Croghan's have shown us.

Favorite piece of jewelry in your inventory right now and why?
A - There are too many to pick as one favorite. I am currently really loving our cobblestone ring with a vintage moval diamond. (see above image)
C - My favorite piece at the moment is our new octagon disc (currently in production). Stay tuned!
How do you stay inspired in the jewelry industry?
A - By staying original and true to our way of doing business. Being honest and committed to our vision keeps us moving forward.
C - I’m inspired by our clients and their stories. I am inspired knowing that our clients love our product and appreciate the details and our workmanship. I love to be a part of someone’s important moments and enjoy celebrating with them.